Sweet Owner ![]() Welcome to my blog! Shut your mouth off and enjoy my blog ![]() Rotten Lyrics! Lyrical Time Stepfoots! ![]() Credits! ![]()
assamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu..(btol rse nye)
nk thu x,,smlm kn kte kn dapat thu something that almost..ALMOST!! break my heart...
lantak ah.xpenting pon.
so..ptutnye skarag ni kne buat karangan citra..peh ade 30 lag kne buat..
tangguh lag kje..sape suoh kan!!!
tap x buat lag sbb testpad abez.heheheh alasan..
mule2 nk jadikn alasan rupe2nye mmg abez.
mlm nnty g kedai ah..B.E.L.I......TESTPAD...
nmpk x mcm hapi semacam...hah!!!nk thu sbb ape..sbb nye ialah...
*drum roll.......
actually i got nothing to write today..
nothing unusual happen today. just me and my friends laughing at each other..nothing special.
jad nnty klau ade pape kte update lag k?