You're My Lyrics
~~Music is Here!!~~

Sweet Owner

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Welcome to my blog! Shut your mouth off and enjoy my blog
٠•●♥ I Love You ♥●•٠

Rotten Lyrics!

Lyrical Time


working on with my Chatbox!


Basecode By: Siti Syuhadah
Edit By: AzuNyan
Re-Edited By: Me
Thanks To : C U T E

assalamualaikum....wat ape tu???
ari ni panassbb still jerebu jgak kat JB...

XPE LH!!!!

actually i got no idea wht 2 write today..
so,bkak lah blog-blog oag laen,then facebook...and so on..

'ter'bace satu blog ney..
dye tliz....

"Being Single Is Better Than Having An Unfaithful Relationship"

btol tau ape yg "dye" tliz

sume relation ad masalah.jad sabo je ah..
tapi kn...

me and my friends xde masalah mcm ney
bkn anti kapel..

just blom mse nye lag

bleh masak?kteoag xleh.
bleh jad boom nnty

makan bleh ah..hehheeheeh
eh bleh ah....masak MAGGI 

"blajo pon blom abez,nk kapel2.xde makne nye ah"

kteoag tgok lh kan,people who in love
 cant focus on anything
MALAS nk tegur...diam je ah.
nnty ckp oag marah..

tapi...bukan kteoag xpikir pasal bnde gini.*kadag2 ah*
we just want to enjoy ape yg ad skag
capture each moment we past

 dont  for something silly.

k lah..lapo ney..lag pon ngah buat keje bio ney..
laen kte smbug agy..