Sweet Owner ![]() Welcome to my blog! Shut your mouth off and enjoy my blog ![]() Rotten Lyrics! Lyrical Time Stepfoots! ![]() Credits! ![]()
| mr y (i wont tell you)..... first thing.... hotty2 hot is not for a boy or a girl... it just i'm hot... not that kind of hot. just hot...PANAS!!! TU PON SSH LH.mcm biase lh..sabtu ahad GITAR...tap skag dah xskit lag...so just forget about that... yesterday was the last day of school... whoa..... im so happy. tap xde lah best sgt... yg xbez nye tu kne ddok kat tagge ngan thor BUKAN DATING OK..... !!!! ckgu suoh ckp ngan 2 berlian g dwn... so aq ekot lh.thor suoh tggu kat tgge aq tggu jerk ah. pas2 dah rmai sgt ckp 'ah sue......dating ngan thor' and 'both of you are sweet couple for may'.... ape yg dyeoag xthu thor ngan aq dah plih dah spe sweet kapel for may. HAHAHAHAH.... ble dah start pnt aq,,,,(dyeoag jln lembab) spe yg ckp kteoag dating aq ckp ape auw ....'mmg lah kteoag dating...jgn kcau...' 'nga ah mmg pon...asl jeles.kan aq dah ckp thor aq nye....' HAHAHAHAHAHA.....ske nye aq... tap sume oag thu yg thor ngan tut...tut...kan...bio lah dyeoag.... yg bez nye ary ney ujan....aq maen ujan ngan nicole..best sgt.dah lme aq xmaen ujan.tap klau mr y join lag bez...but still klau dye join pon bkn aq bleh pgag dye pon kan...plig2 pon nicole yg pgag dye... sdeh tau...... NOW..... lets talk about mr Y.....he sweet,cute,charming....he's like the most perfect guy in the world (for me ONLY). but still i dont want hi to know that i like him so much..he already tell me that im his best friend and i'll will keep it until the end of....dont ask me when...(every starting have an end...but at every ending must have a new starting)....but it looks like im the only malay girl that stick with him this long....i dont know why....but i still like him...not until i die,until the end of someting ok...... its getting late.i want to hang out with my friend for a while...its look like they have a new gossips.we are not saying bad things about people,,,,we just saying something that we dont like.... bye.... (fell like writting letter to someone)....