Sweet Owner ![]() Welcome to my blog! Shut your mouth off and enjoy my blog ![]() Rotten Lyrics! Lyrical Time Stepfoots! ![]() Credits! ![]()
| penat nye............................ knape lah idop ney slalu jerk mcm ney.... abez 1 mslh,,,ade lag...xpnt ke mslh ney dtg kat oag.... dah dkt bpe bln dah aq xnmpk dye....thats the gud news (not really).but i think everytime i write my blog,,,dye mcm makin jauh.aq xnk mcm 2.i just one to be his friend.xslh kan jad kwn.even mr Y pon xksh ja kwn.mmg lh,,,dye xksh sgt.sbb kteoag pon dah lme kwn. ble egt blek cite Ika,rse kesian kat dye.mr R tu lh.xptt lah dye 2.dye thu ika ske kat dye,tap dye g ske kat oag laen.tap mlag nye mr R, pompuan 2 dah ad BF.hahahaha...pdn mke spe suoh maen kan kwn aq.kan dah.he...klau ekot kan aty,aq nk jerk pkol dye smpai dye pon xde prsaan.dye xthu ke Ika tiap2 ary cri dye smate-mate nk tgk yg dye 2 mcm mne oag nye. and ble egt jerk cite 2,aq tros teringt kat mr Y.aq dah xlrat dah nk dok diam.just sit and do nothing.AQ XBLEH.tiap2 ary aq tgk dye ngan enth mne2 oag enth.ya i no he always with me,tap dye still xphm yg.....what ever...mcm lah dye kesah kan...he no nothing about me.he dont care about me anymore...becoz of the girlz around him...CAN ANYBODY TELL ME, WHY BOY NEVER REMEMBER ANYTHING THAT GIRL DID FOR THEM.....conth :- the girls-sntiase ad mse utk dye.tmn kan dye.dga mslh dye.tlog dye...everything lah for HIM. but boy-you nk ape lag.i have to go now.tell me later ok.and so on..... why???? stiap ary sblom blek skolh,aq akn tggu najwa ngan ayu.and everyday,aq akn nmpk dye.ble aq nmpk jerk dye,,,aq akn ckp...I NOT YOURS AND U ARE NOT MINE.dgn cre ney jerk lah yg aq ble wat untk ykin kn dri aq yg dye bkn aq pnye.tap tu sume mustahil lh.aq xpnh lupe kan sesape pon.dlm haty aq msh lag mr y.tap syg...dye bkn utk aq pon...xpe lah...klau ad jodoh xkmne nye...tap nk tggu jodoh 2 smpai.....smpai ble kan...BIO LH.....